Tables and chairs
Right from the start, we regularly spend money on tables and chairs. Initially because we had shortages due to our growing number of students. After that because the materials were not the best quality. After many purchases and repairs, we decided in 2021 that we would go for quality. The school inspectorate has already criticized our chairs and tables on several occasions. Every year, however, we were able to keep them busy by purchasing a number of new copies. Of course we cannot count on eternal patience.
The ones we bought in 2021 and 2022 were single desks. This is because ‘social distancing’ also prescribed this. These are more expensive to purchase unfortunately. In 2023 we want to purchase double sofas again, with matching chairs. From 2021 we opted for solid material, a metal frame with striking wood! In total we are still missing about 70 double desks. If we can purchase these, we can face the inspection with confidence. Even more important, we can say that all our students can follow lessons at a good table and on a good chair.